A Walk in Nature

Of course, where would I walk other than somewhere in nature. This walk was in the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve. I covered a couple of trails that I hadn’t been on before, but I’m still not comfortable enough to veer off a path in case I get lost. On the way home I bought myself a compass to carry with me in the hopes that this directional challenged senior will be able to go a bit further.

Anyway – there were no Great Blue Herons in sight.

View from the bridge
View of the bridge from the photo above
The best pose I could get for this adorable Black-capped Chickadee.
Young Wood Duck
I have no idea what this is. It is in the water – it has 3 mesh stuffed pieces and short metal legs to keep it off the bottom of the creek.
A cute viewpoint through the trees
This was a nice shady trail to wander on.
There was quite a distance of raised walkways, which means this area is covered in water at times.
The start of that trail from the lookout tower
A nice quiet place to stop & sit for awhile
These trees are huge. I think I’ve got about 1/3 of the height of the trees into the photo.

I was just about to leave, but decided to wander back to where I have seen the Herons before and instead of Herons, I found a Cooper’s Hawk with a big meal.

I was told that the prey was a Ring-necked Dove

I was standing back quite a bit and using my zoom (also cropping the photos was involved). A couple of people were walking by and I pointed the bird out to them in the hopes that they wouldn’t disturb the hawk, but they kept on walking. The hawk flew off with the prey, but landed not far away in a sunny location, so I snapped a few more photos.

After a few more photos from a distance, I walked away without disturbing him any more. That would be a big meal for him. The Dove was almost the same size as the hawk.

4 thoughts on “A Walk in Nature

  1. What a beautiful place to walk. In my senior years, I am also not quite as adventurous. A compass wouldn’t help me, as I am directional challenged!


      1. Oh, my goodness! I did go read your “lost” post. Thank you God for those kind people! You almost got a 1/2 marathon! I would have been in a panic for sure.


        1. I was sure happy that the beautiful little Chickadees hung around with me, but I was afraid that I might end up spending the night in the snow. There were several people around when I started walking, but I hadn’t seen anyone for ages.


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